ODEEP play kitchen

Artist: Gwen Harvey

Orange District Early Education Program contacted the Orange Womens Shed to help build a play kitchen for their new pre- school classroom being built. The Orange Womens Shed looked at ways to do tis project and upon a discovery of two bedside tables being thrown out on the side of the rd and a cupbnoard found at the Orange Recycle recovery Shop – it was decided to paint and change the cupboards into a fuinctioning play kitchen – this was a lot cheaper and more economical and achievable than building from scratch. The paint was donated from Dulux to complete the project. The project unfortunately came to a stand still in Covid but was taken home as a project by Gwen Harvey and she diligently completed the amazing project to the great play kitchen you can see in the photo. It will be placed in the new ODEEP classroom for children to play with as of next week. Great use of recycled cupboards, old Cds, knobs etc.

Region: Orange
