Waste not, water wise

Artist: Scallywags Childcare Centre

Here at Bathurst Regional Council Children’s Services we have a strong focus on educating the next generation about recycling, sustainability and water conservation.

Last year the children in the Preschool room made signs to put on display around the service and at home to encourage their peers and family members to reduce consumption and use water wisely. This campaign was adopted by Bathurst Regional Council who used the children’s illustrations to create stickers to adhere to appliances and made them available to the greater Bathurst community.

In conjunction with this water conservation theme the educators, with a little help from the children in the 3-4 and Preschool rooms, have used the Waste 2 Art initiative to create a water feature for the playground. Whilst constructing we were able to discuss and experiment with direction, pouring and capturing liquid, volume, weight, how to make (and seal) holes all while using the environment as the teacher.

The water feature provides the children with a fun place to empty their drink bottles at the end of the day, providing a use for the water that would otherwise go down the sink. The water travels down a series of tubes and gutters to sprinkle out at the bottom in what will be a collection of plants.

Region: Bathurst
