Our world and covid-19


Wire protruding around the ball to hang the cans on represents how the virus effects the whole world.
Recycled Coke and Fanta cans cut and rolled with pliers represents the red and orange nodules on the virus.
Students drew faces on their cans to show how they feel about the Virus. Crushing or crumpling the can is an extension of their emotion. The black colour in the Pepsi max cans represent mental health and that lock down measures and restrictions previously had never been experienced indicated that more mental health services were required. The Pepsi max cans were chosen for its colours and the circle in the logo.
The Pepsi max logo has multiple symbolisms. Some people realised that, when inverted, the Pepsi logo read “isded“, which was very similar to the words ”is dead”! The Corona virus caused and continue to cause deaths around the world.

Region: Orange
